left left left

Kirsten Block (Actress)

Usually, the right side of the face appears to be better known than the left side, because the visual center responsible for the perception of faces lies in the right side of the brain. It is also the right side of the face, the public side, which shows the more masculine personality characteristics and the ego.

The more feminine left chimeras are less perceived in every day life, although the emotions, positive and negative, are there to be seen. The left side of the face expresses all kind of emotions and also some unaccepted characteristics of the personality. Especially this side, shows us new and unaccustomed aspects of one's personality.

The public right side of a face reflects a visual expression from our overestimated left brain, where lies the rational thinking. The private side reveals our mysterious and less scientifically explored right brain, the center of emotions, holistic thinking, whose re-discovery is, I do believe, the key to peace in the world.